Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Site Analysis 3

This diagram is showing the lack of green space in the surrounding site as well as the minimal pedestrian traffic through the site.


enno said...


The only element I would add is statement about the analysis revealing a lack of green space and a need for improved circulation.

In other words: draw you conclusions.

How is the plan coming?


Chris Parker said...

Looking good. I have to agree with enno. Looking forward to seeing your plan and the nature in the site. The graphics are great, I really like your plan but I wish it had a hard slant in it showing your perception needed to change.

Chris Parker said...

What I meant by a hard slant is much like when writing a paper and having a strong voice in it. I want to know what you are perceiving about the site in its context that you want to investigate and why.
Hope this clarifies it.

MaloyMark said...


I came across a project Friday, that reminded me alot of yours. Will scan and e-mail to you first part of the week. Like the quality of your freehand work. Good site analysis.

Tim Geiger said...

I like the clarity of your graphics they have a bold feel through the colors you have chosen. I remember you had some crossing paths between the buildings hidden behind the front façade, have you gone away with this for a more linear path? It will be interesting to see how you study the interaction between the buildings and the strips of landscaping that you have created. Maybe you could have areas where the landscape violated the buildings rigid set boundary with an interior garden. Good luck!